Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

My PricewaterhouseCoopers Tattoo

Found this today in one of the "new brand" memos. I sincerely hope that someone put this in as a joke. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

This is my second missed Fourth of July, and it gets no easier. For those of you in America enjoy the idiot on Coney Island who ate 62 hot dogs in 10 minuets because you don't really get that here.....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Montreaux Jazz Festival

Yesterday I took a day trip Montreaux, Switzerland to see the Montreaux Jazz Festival. Every year "on the first fortnight of July" musicians young and old, known and unknown descend on the northern banks of Lake Geneva. This year some of the featured artists were Paul Simon, BB King, Sting and James Blunt and is currently a festival for Jazz, Pop and Rock.

Along the waterfront there are rows of stalls with people selling stuff.

There were many live performers that were free, while the big acts were at night and cost around 80 CHF

The mountains fall right into the water, it's really quite unbelievable.

Vernier Village

Here are some photos from around the area of the village heart of Vernier.

Zürich, Schweiz

Last weekend I took three hour train ride into the German part of Switzerland to check out Switzerland's biggest city, Zurich. After a rather cramped train ride with what seemed like every enlisted soldier below 21 in the Suisse Army, I arrived at 10:30 am in Zurich Main Station. A quick tour around the downtown with a friend ended up with us perched high above the river looking toward the some of the old churches.

Later that evening, we made our way to Hinteregg, Switzerland which is about a 30 min tram ride from Zurich.

After a nice dinner at home with another friend we mad our way to a night club. This was my first experience in a european nightclub and it was definitely a bizarre experience, nothing like anything in the states. After arriving home at nearly the crack of dawn we slept in sunday, finally getting up and making our way to the lake around 10am. The lake was BEAUTIFUL, looking south the far off mountains towered over the lake. These mountains were absolutely enormous (still not over them yet...) And are snow capped rising well above the tree line. We rented a peddle boat for an hour and preceded to enjoy the afternoon on the lake.

I was then guided back to the train station for my 330pm train back to Genève. I was expecting the train to be packed beyond belief but I was able to get my own seat and get absorbed in a book for the 3 hour (beautifully scenic) ride.

Today, I'm off to Montreaux to check out the Montreaux Jazz Festival and a town situated directly between the lake and the impending mountains.

New Pictures

There are new pictures up from my weekend in Zurich as well as yesterdays trip to Montreaux for the Montreaux Jazz Festival. Find the pictures here.