Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day Off

(click the links to learn more)

Tomorrow is the Ascension Holiday across the world for Christians and in Switzerland it means a Federal Holiday. Since I've been pretty busy since arriving here in Gèneva three weeks ago I really haven't had a chance to explore the city. Tomorrow I should be able to get out to a few significant landmarks that characterize Gèneva. My plan is to head over to the ONU (in French Organization of Nations Unies), the Botanical Gardens (Jardin Botanique), Perle du Lac, where I should be able to catch a glimpse of the Jet D'Eau, the area around Gare Cornavin and finally the Vieille Ville (Old City). Gèneva is not the ancient city that Rome, Paris or London are (and certainly much smaller), but sill contains a good amount of history and activity, even for a city of less that 200,000 residents. Gèneva also is not considered/known for its nightlife. To put the size of Switzerland in perspective compare the 2010 estimate population: 7,866,000 to the 2010 census population of New York City: 8,175,133.

Pictures will hopefully follow tomorrow, for now enjoy this (rather bad) picture of the TPG (Transports Publics Genevois) bus.

This is the entrance to the main train station in Geneva. It is located in the "heart" of Gèneva and is surrounded by the some of the big banks (Credit Suisse and UBS) and multiple hotels. Around the area are also numerous restaurants as well as shops.

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