Sunday, May 29, 2011

A few pics from two weeks in Geneva

Two weeks are complete here in Geneva. The family that I'm staying
with is great, the Febo's, swimming is really good and an awesome
place to practice french. Most of the kids on the team don't speak
much english. The coach of the team, Michele speaks almost none. On
the other hand the PwC office in Geneva is about as lingual as it
gets. I'm pretty sure I'm the only idiot who doesn't speak AT LEAST
two languages.

Last Thursday I went over to a colleague's house to watch the movie
"Office Space." In attendance were Mike (the host, an american), his
college buddy from Middlebury (also an American, works at a "think
tank" over here), and three guys from the office. All three were
german which means that they speak English (the language of choice for
the night), french and german. Mike married an italian so his language
count is at four... English, spanish, french and italian. Wow.

Pics coming soon.



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